A Town With No Name – Erin Allen (3rd grade)

A Town with no name Picture Slide1 Slide2

Those who work with me are often forced to listen to me read the stories written by my daughter.  She has a quick wit and a wild imagination and has some really funny stories to tell.    While cleaning her room recently, she ran across some old papers with stories she wrote in grade school.  She knows how much I love them so offered me the papers.  I called over my neighbor to read a few to him and in a few cases was laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe.  One of those stories is written below – I used her words exactly, so the grammar may not be up to par.  I have also attached the originals with a accompanying picture.  Read and enjoy:

An angry mob gathered in the middle of town square!  Mayor Phipps saw the torches and pitchforks of the crowd from his window.  He went outside and called a town meeting to see what the problem was.

Everyone gathered at the courthouse at once.  Two cousins named Jack and Jill told the mayor that the citizens wanted their town to have a name.  Just then Jimmy, the town grump burst through the door “NEVER!”  “I like living in a town with no name!”

They tied Jimmy  up and put him in a spider infested closet.  Jack and Jill suggested that a contest be held to come up with a name.  Everyone submitted their idea, but they were all lame.  So they left the town as no name, released Jimmy from the closet and sold the spiders to a pet store.

The End.